This business of creating videos is difficult at best. One tricky bit is getting enough light to show detail on the sides of those black steam engines without bizzare horizontal shadows and blowing out the highlights. It's enough to make a person switch to diesels. Well, not really. Maybe just for videos. There are other minor faux pas like not keeping the camera horizontal (easy to edit on a still shot) but the worst visual offence, movement magnification, is probably the worst.
A while back I remember watching a closeup video of Roger's old layout. As the motor crept along it bounced up and down all over the track. How can that be possible? His trackwork is flawless. In person I've witnessed those cars creeping along, silently and smoothly. The problem is, the camera can be placed so close that even a half millimetre of movement is a proportionally large part of the frame. Step back and it disappears from our conscientiousness.

In this still shot the detail on the front of the small plastic building is washed out while the firebox (where the coal burns eh...?) is in darkness.
The answers to most of these problems will reveal themselves as I go along. Others may not. I'll have to find workarounds. It's time to get back to scenery anyway - which may not happen with the fast approaching motorcycle season. It's good to have multiple hobbies.
Click on the link below to watch the latest video on my YouTube Channel, SSandA2. By the way, the sound over the music is the Bay of Fundy waves crashing behind my back.